Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hoop-Shoot 2010

Chicken Dance, Anyone?

2010 STRAßENFEST was a HUGE success for the Club and for MIKE IWANICKI (Purdue, 2010; AAE), of Chicago. His free-throws were strictly on an exhibition basis; ditto his hat. He claimed it came from the Schnitzelbank. Works for us!
After spirited attendance and shooting on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, the Club netted $1,734 by Sunday's count.
Hoop-Shoot chairman Jerry Nichols offered his sincere "Congratulations and Thanks" to all who helped.
Next up: Fall Football Picnic, Oct. 23: Purdue at Ohio State.

There's No Place Like Home

Who Is That Masked Man?

HE IS LOWELL GRISSOM, of course. Lowell organized a weekend for volunteers to come to Mitchell, Ind., to help prime and paint his boyhood home. A group has purchased the home and is restoring it, to become a museum that will display souvenirs of his and his siblings', including Gus', childhood. July 23 and 24 comprised the "volunteer weekend." More might follow.
The house will soon become an official Indiana landmark:
POINT #1: We see the T-shirt.
POINT #2: We have Photoshop.
QUESTION: Shall we edit the shirt?